London: Bull and the Dragon Tour

History, Mythology of one the most influential Cities in the world.

City of London is built upon trade and law that is in turn infused with religion and Mythology. We explore this city’s unique origin story: How it was set apart from Greater London, The mythologies that inspires it and the Legends upon whose shoulders great endeavours have been withstood.

Bull Minotaur in London


  • > St Alphage Gardens

    The source of the myths.

  • > Salters Garden

    The London wall and the first Livery company.

  • > Brewers hall

    The livery company that set the standard for booze!

  • > St Mary Aldermanbury Gardens

    A place where legends Shakespeare and Churchill meet.

  • > City of Corporation

    A seat of power of the City of Dragons that sits on a forgotten river.

  • > Guildhall

    The municipal governing body of the City of London, the historic centre of London and the location of much of the United Kingdom's financial sector.

  • > Lawrence Jewry

    The official church of the City of London Corporation

  • > The Mercers' Company

    The Number one guild of the City of London.

  • > St Margarets Church

    An example of a church that is linked to a livery company.

  • > Bank Of England Museum

    The museum behind one of the most influential institutions in the world.

  • > Bank of England

    One of the most influential institutions in the world!

  • > Royal Exchange

    Built by a legend for legends to meet.

  • > Mansion house

    Home to the Mayor of the City of London.

  • > St Mary Aldermary

    We conclude with the Dragon and the legend of St George.


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